Ask Yee (Marriage, Lying, Insecurity)

Ask Yee (Marriage, Lying, Insecurity)

Amanda’s 7 months pregnant with her boyfriend of two years but he’s not interested in getting married. #AskYee
Tammy just found out her boyfriend of 7 months has a child he never told her about. #AskYee
Freezy says his girlfriend is insecure about him being friends with other girls. #AskYee

Shaquana still messes with her ex-boyfriend even though he has a new girlfriend. #AskYee
A man is having a tough time finding a job a decade after being released from prison. #AskYee
Cam peed in her fiancee’s facial cleanser when they were broken up but now he uses it daily. #AskYee
Anonymous wants to know how to respond to his baby mother when she acts crazy. #AskYee

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